We made a list that functions as an overview of the sensor Click range. Since there is over a hundred in this category, it would be overwhelming to showcase all of them at once. So, we recommend that you browse the sensor range after you read this article.
Air quality 4 click
Get detailed information on the state of the air around you. Air quality 4 click can output TVOC value readings as well as the CO2 equivalent concentration readings in an indoor environment. This Click board can also output values of H2 and Ethanol in the air.
Compass click
An e-compass on a Click board – Compass click. This Click board can measure both linear acceleration and magnetic field. This board is an excellent choice for a compensated compass, map rotation, position detection, motion-activated functions, pedometer, display orientation.
Heart rate 5 click
Now we have an optical biosensor Click board™ that measures your heart rate, hence the name – Heart Rate 5 click. It’s good to point out that we also offer other biomedical Click boards, like the ECG click, and EMG click.
THERMO 5 click
This Click board measures temperature in default range of 0°C to 127°C, in its default range, and -64°C to 191°C in the extended range. That’s more than enough to start building your own weather station. THERMO 5 click can also monitor four temperature channels at once.
Thunder click
Let’s get a radar on Thor. Just kidding, Thunder click is great to predict a storm though. It detects the presence and proximity of potentially hazardous lightning activity in the vicinity and provides estimated distance to the center of the storm.
Yours sincerely,